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On writing The Godmother

I wrote ‘The Godmother’ over twenty-five years ago, back in distant pre-digital days when people used fax machines instead of sending emails, and ‘mobile’ phones were cumbersome office gadgets used by the rare few.  It was my fifth novel and I was in my mid-thirties, raising two very young children between finding time to write. I picked advertising as the career for my heroine, Rachel, because it…

Friday 5th May, 2023 | undefined min read


I started to write ‘Alice Alone’ when I was twenty-five and working as a freelance journalist in Buenos Aires.  It felt daring – and exposing! – to be trying my hand at fiction, so I deliberately created characters and a situation as far removed from my ‘real’ life as possible.  And that is how Alice and her husband, Peter, both in their 50s – old fogies to my then young eyes – were born. I put…

Wednesday 22nd February, 2023 | undefined min read


THE WRONG MAN ‘The Wrong Man’ is a revised version of a novel called ‘Walls of Glass’, which I wrote thirty years ago.  It tells the story of a mother of two small children who dares to own up to the unhappiness of what everyone around her assumes is a blissful married life.  No one greets her revelations well, least of all her husband… It is a strange business meeting your younger writing self…

Friday 11th August, 2023 | undefined min read